二三設計 Staycation - ELIZ Furniture

二三設計 Staycation

Furniture-Residential Space


回應城市度假勝地的建案定位,聚焦室內家宅美好假期的營造,以名媛思維切入設計,將當代、奢華、經典、優雅串為軸線,放大生活軌跡的共感,至臻之餘亦講究留白,加入個人收藏營造個性化品味,亦切合企業主對即時性的需求。延續Urban Resort的建築理念,以Staycation宅度假發展設計主軸,都市天際線為背景,植入日光花藝的原生美學與精品飯店的奢華享受,打造集派對同樂與私密度假的美學名宅。透過張弛有度的空間佈局,平衡私密與共處的尺度。全面整合過道於各場域,透過動線行徑增加連結。藉工藝細節、燈光與城市時序的轉換,給予不同世代的理想生活情境。設計思考的維度擴及不同世代與個人的身心需求,於外是派對同樂現場,於內是玩味生活的度假宅,亦可回歸個人的寧靜與內斂。空間設計回應人的內外平衡,亦滿足每個世代的生活方式。藉框景、借景的建築概念,使外在景色成為空間佈景,以時序更迭的都會自然提煉時尚精品的層次意境。不單講究物質面料的表現,藉設計與環境的交互作用,賦予奢華更具深意的情感價值。

As the builder sets the project as an urban resort, our interior design emphasizes a sense of wonderful vacation while targeting business socialites with fashionable taste. The model home is imbued with modern, luxurious, classic, and elegant flairs while highlighting the shared experience of family life. Among the refined details, places of blankness are reserved for personalized collection installment in the future, meeting the owners’ needs for immediacy.Under the concepts of “urban resort” and “staycation,” the project aims at socialites. With city landscape as background, the model home is infused with natural aesthetics and boutique-hotel-like luxury, creating a gorgeous home suitable for parties and private vacation time.The layout forms a balanced rhythm between private and common areas. The integrated passageways among the space enhance the connection while offering the ideal lifestyle for different generations through the intricateness of details, lighting, and ever-changing urban scenery.The design caters to the needs of different generations, as the common areas can be a fun party venue while the private areas reserve space for retrieving an individual’s inner peace. Our design achieves a balance between fulfilling self-care and building interaction with others.With the concepts of enframed scenery and borrowed view, we incorporate the landscape into the interior background, utilizing the ever-changing urban scene to distill an artistic mood of the boutique home. The exchange with the environment lends luxury deeper emotional meaning.

設計 / 二三設計 23Design
攝影 / 嘿起司 Hey!Cheese
家具 / 艾立思軟裝集團 ELIZ Group

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