多樣性空間設計 國泰昕春 - ELIZ Furniture

多樣性空間設計 國泰昕春

Furniture-Residential Space

Within this 150-square-meter apartment in Taiwan, instead of fitting the traditional layout to its new use, new functionality was created to fit the space. The designers wrapped the space with lines and layers horizontally and vertically, and minimized color usage to allow natural lights and materials to lead the tone. The design goal is to establish a space of calm environment with a subtle sense of adventure, and provide intimacy without cutting off the open feeling of the space. Nevertheless, we want this apartment to be treated as a family member who is sophisticated and playful.

ELIZ furniture
Home stylist
曹家綺 Lauren(點選看更多):::https://www.eliz.com.tw/家配師-台北創始店/曹家綺-lauren/