二三設計 板橋潤泰文樺 Live.Life - ELIZ Furniture

二三設計 板橋潤泰文樺 Live.Life

家具 FURNITURE-建案公設, 軟裝 DECOR-建案公設

- Live.Life

-2021 TINTA金邸獎|樣板房空間 優勝獎

黑白織構的畫布上,一點木色人文、一點石紋優雅、一抹日照溫潤,生活的幸福、家的想像,其實就是如此的樸實、簡單又幸福。 一間30坪的實品屋,規劃在接待中心的內部,雖位於一樓樓面,我們將採光位置保留給樣品屋,透過方位規劃表現出未來建案高樓的採光意象。我們認為樣品屋的展現除了增添客人對於空間的想像,更是一種前期參與,在成屋尚未興建完成的階段,透過樣品屋的設計經驗,也能給予業主更合適的格局規劃,廚具、衛浴配置建材等的建議,這是我們對設計、業主的一份責任與心力。此案設定為較年輕的客群,不管是單身貴族、新婚夫妻、新手爸媽,2+1房的格局皆帶來了無限的可能性,有限的空間內,仍可以放置8人長桌,滿足聚會宴客的需求,而多功能室可以展開拉門放大公共場域、作為書房,抑可以放置單人床成為另一間臥室空間。白色基調顯得潔白也更為俐落,清新的淡雅就如同正要衝刺的人生、剛組成的家庭、新生命的到來,空間的濃厚色彩等著他們未來一筆筆填滿。

The canvas are interwoven with pepper and salt, a wooden culture, a marble elegance and a shiny warmth is the imagination of home, what a simple and well-being life in here, 30 ping model room, though the site direction, gave it the most lighten area to simulate the tall building. The early participation makes our guest more easily to catch the reality including the plan, kitchenware, bathroom equipment and materials.

The younger generations and newlyweds are our customer base, 2+1 room brings lots of possibility for different demands in limited space, such as opening multifunctional room can be a study or extra bedroom. With white tone comes more neatness, it symbolized a new family and new life is coming, and canvas are just waiting for them to color.

23Design (click to see more) :::https://www.facebook.com/23designinc/
ELIZ furniture
Home stylist
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ELIZ Decor
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